- FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) - FULL VERSION...
- PLAYER ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES: If a player has not yet played this season (6/1/24 through 5/31/25) they will have Annual Player Membership Dues of $30 which will be due the first time they play. There will be a four week grace period on these dues. NO EXCEPTIONS. Remember: THE TEAM that a player first plays on is responsible for collecting a player’s Annual Player Membership Dues, and will be responsible for them if the player does not pay them. Players... if you have any questions about dues, please check with your Team Captain. Team captains... if you have any questions about dues, please check with me.
- NEW PLAYERS: New Women players start out as a 6 and New Men players start out as a 7. After that... handicaps are adjusted weekly. If a player shows up on the standings sheet as a 0, then treat them as a New Player and use the handicaps mentioned before. If you think a player has played on this night recently, just make your best guess at their handicap and put a note on the back of the scoresheet and I'll check on it and correct the scoresheet if necessary.
- CHANGES IN ROSTERS: If you have changes to rosters, please just make notations on the back of the scoresheet as to which players you are dropping and which players you are adding, or fill in the team roster sheet sent in your packet the 1st week of play.
- TEAM WEEKLY FEES: The Weekly Play Fees are $25 per TEAM. Whether you break that down to $5 per person playing or however... it’s $25 per team.
- MARKING THE ENVELOPE: Please mark on your envelopes how the money, that you put in the envelope, breaks down (Annual Dues dollar amout (no $ sign necessary) in the annual dues column and Weekly Fees dollar amount in the Weekly column) and put the total amount of money in the "Total Enclosed" box. And DON'T FORGET TO SEAL your envelope.
- PICKUP/DROPOFF OF PAPERWORK: It is the visiting team's responsibility to pickup the paperwork for both teams for a particular match. If your match is being played east of the Calcasieu River, your paperwork will be at Frosty Factory. If your match is being played west of the Calcasieu River, your paperwork will be at Winners Choice. PLEASE REMEMBER... when you are dropping your paperwork back off in drop boxes, put it in the TOP slot. You DO NOT have to drop your paperwork back off at the same location you picked it up from.
- RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN PAPERWORK: Even though, at the end of the night, you may give your envelope to the other team to be dropped off, YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE for your envelope and it's contents. In other words... if you give your envelope to someone else to drop off, you are trusting them with your envelope, and anything in it.
- MINIMUM PLAYERS TO PLAY: There must be at least 3 players playing in a match. If a team can't field at least 3 players, it will be a forfeit. The 3-points-per-game for a forfeited player was started to provide some relief, on occasion, for a team that would not have 5 players show up. It wasn't intended to be utilized on an ongoing basis.
- WAITING ON PLAYERS: At the onset of a match, if a player is not available to start a match, it must be declared whether a forfeit is being taken (i.e. 3 points per round) for that player, OR the player is being waited on and... if a player is being waited on, they have until the fourth round can be totaled up (without the waiting-on-player's scores of course). If a player does not show up by then, THAT WAITED-ON "PLAYER" FORFEITS ALL FIVE GAMES WITH ZEROES. At that point YOU CAN NO LONGER TAKE THE FORFEIT 3 POINTS PER ROUND if a "waited on" player does not show up. In other words... At the beginning of the match, you can either take the 3 points-per-game for a forfeit, or wait on a player. But... not both.
- CALLING POCKETS: Even though we play call-pocket, it is often accepted that it is not necessary to call obvious shots. But, for clarity sake:
- As previously mentioned, it is not necessary to call an obvious shot. Bank shots, carom shots (playing the object ball off another ball (after a good hit)), and combination shots ARE NOT obvious shots and the ball and pocket should be called in these situations. In situations where there may be more than one obvious pocket, do everyone a favor and call the ball and pocket.
- The eight ball pocket must be called. It is the shooter's responsibility to make it easy for your opponent to tell which pocket you have called when attempting to pocket the eight ball. The most desired way is to make eye-contact with your opponent; someone on your opponents team; or a neutral party, (preferrably in that order) when calling the eight-ball pocket. And please try to make it easy to determine which pocket you are calling. I.e. don't just motion to the other end of the table. Now, on the flip-side... if your opponent is at the table, you should be paying attention ALL THE TIME... but especially on the eight ball shot. In other words... make yourself very available for the shooter to communicate their intended 8-ball pocket.
- COACHES/TIMEOUTS: 10s and 9s, cannot have any coaches. 8s, 7s get ONE timeout, and 6s and below are allowed TWO coaches per game. You may have a different coach come to coach each time. In other words: The rule that "there may be only one coach (the person that is called to the table to assist the shooter during a timeout) per game" has been rescinded. You may only call a coach from a person that is NOT currently playing in a game.
enacted October 2023...
We are clarifying our Coaching Rules. Although Nationals does NOT allow coaching, this is a rule that we allowed coaching, therefore we do not need to adhere to Nationals, to tailor our rules. The Coaching rules exists to tell the shooter what they should shoot, NOT SHOW them. With that being said... here is the latest revisition of our coaching policy.
- New/Revised Coaching Rules...
- The Shooter or their Captain may call for a coach. 1st... it must be noted that we are trying to keep from calling it a time-out, because at Nationals, a Time-Out means something totally different.
- The shooter or captain (or another player on the shooters team designated by the captain). In the event the shooter DOES indeed have a coach available available to be taken, and the shooter requests a coach, it shall be immediately granted (and charged to the shooter). IF the shooter DOES NOT have a coach available to be taken, and the captain/coach requests a coach, it is a FOUL, as the coach just indicated to the shooter that there should be a coach used, thus indirectly indicating that the shot the shooter was getting ready to execute is NOT the shot that they should take, and the coach was rendered when one was NOT available, thus delivering the coach, regardless.
- IF AND WHEN A COACH has been granted... NEITHER the shooter or the coach, MAY APPROACH THE TABLE. BOTH MUST KEEP A MINIMUM OF AN ARMS-LENGTH AWAY FROM THE TABLE AT ALL TIMES, during the coach. Also... the following goes without saying, BUT, SADLY, IT MUST BE SAID... NEITHER THE SHOOTER OR THE COACH AND ARE ALLOWED TO EVER TOUCH THE TABLE AT ANY TIME during the coach, because they are supposed to be keeping a minimum of an arms-length away from the table during the ENTIRE coach.
If the Shooter or the Coach touchs the table, AT ANY TIME, during the coach, IT IS A FOUL!!!
- For purposes of calculating the number of timeouts a player is allowed, round off their Handicap. Example: a player with a handicap of 7.6 would be considered an 8... a handicap of 7.4 would be considered a 7... FOR CALCULATING NUMBER OF TIMEOUTS THEY ARE ALLOWED.
- HARDSHIPS: The hardship rule excludes (i.e. cannot be used) the last 4 weeks of the session.
- === The following were revised/implemented at the Captains Meeting Thursday May 25 2017
- MAXIMUM POINTS THAT CAN BE SCORED IN A MATCH: At the Captain's meeting held on 5/25/17, it was voted to place a "cap" on the maximum points scored in a MATCH, to 250 points. Previously a ROUND's total score was "capped" at 50... that is no longer in effect.
- WEEKLY CONTACT MUST BE MADE by the captain requesting the postponement, to the opposing captain, AND THESE CONTACTS must be relayed to the League Operator, via Text: (337) 794-4637 or Email: gerard@louviere.org
- Once a match is postponed... both teams will receive their team average until it's made up. BUT... if it is not made up... the team that requested the postponement, will get penalized 25% of their average. If there is any help needed to arrange a makeup date, get in touch with your League Operator... text to (337) 794-4637 or email gerard@louviere.org.
- Paperwork for All makeups MUST BE TURNED IN NO LATER THAN the week before the final Position Round of the season. I.e. postponed match scores cannot be applied after the position round pairings at calculated.
- You may now Substitute players (that are on your roster). Example: you may play a player in rounds 1 and 2, then put someone else on the team, in their place and they can play rounds 3, 4, and 5.
- Basic substitution rules...
- A player can't play the same player, on the opposing team, more than once.
- A player can't play more than once in the same round.
- You must notify the opposing team, that you are substituting someone, BEFORE the round starts.
- If substituting in a different handicap than they are substituting for, you would adjust the handicap spot, for that round.
- NOTE: pay attention... if you sub in a player with a higher handicap, it COULD cause you to change from a C team to a B team, therefore, giving up an extra 2 points. Regardless... once a substitution occurs, that handicap spot is recalculated for that round (and any subsequent rounds where a substitution occurs).
- It is requested that if a team has a reasonable expectation, that they might be substituting during their match, to please advise the opposing captain, so that allowances may be made for changing handicap spot for subsequent rounds... maybe not list handicap spot for a round until it starts.
- Only TWO SUBSTITUTIONS, per match, are allowed, per team. It is permitted that both of the two allowed substitutions may be taken in the same "player position". Example: playerA plays in round 1 and 2 in player position 2, on the scoresheet. Then... playerB subs in, for playerA, and plays in rounds 3 and 4, in player position 2. THEN... playerC subs in, for playerB, and plays in round 5, in player position 2.
- It was adopted, to do away with the "place players in handicap order on the scoresheet".
- 9Ball...
- Soon, We will be adding the 9-Ball specific FAQs here.
- 10Ball...
- Soon, We will be adding the 10-Ball specific FAQs here.